Frequently Asked Questions About Grit Blasting and Painting

Frequently Asked Questions About Grit Blasting And Painting


The global grit blasting/sandblasting media market reached a size of $9 billion in 2020.

Regular maintenance is crucial to keep industrial equipment running properly and maximize its lifespan. Grit blasting and painting are common techniques used to combat dirt, rust, corrosion, and other similar issues on the exterior of such equipment.

In this guide, we’ll cover some of the key questions you might have about grit blasting and painting.

What Is Grit Blasting?

Grit blasting (also known as abrasive blasting or sandblasting) uses abrasive substances such as sand, ground-up plastic pieces, glass beads, or walnut shells to smooth or shape the external surface of an object. The substance is propelled with compressed air, and this is typically done to glass or metal surfaces.

Why Is Grit Blasting Performed?

The main purpose is to maintain the quality of a surface. On top of smoothing them out, it can remove old paint or corrosion without damaging the surface beneath.

What Makes It Better Than Other Methods?

It can smooth metal and glass evenly and efficiently without causing damage such as dents. It’s an alternative to sanding by hand that’s much faster and produces better results. In many cases, it’s also more cost-effective

What Surfaces Can Be Grit Blasted?

Grit blasting can be used on almost any hard surface. Some of the most common uses are for:

  • Metal
  • Glass
  • Wood
  • Stone
  • Concrete

As each surface is different, there are various blasting techniques available, and it’s important to use the right one.

Can Grit Blasting Prepare a Surface to Be Coated?

Not only can grit blasting be used to prepare a surface for coating and painting, but it’s also one of the best ways to do so. You can smooth out a large surface very quickly and evenly, while also removing any excess paint or rust on the surface. The equipment will then be ready for a commercial painter, and you’ll be able to apply either a wet or dry coating.

Why Should Surfaces Be Coated?

You may want to coat a surface simply to provide an aesthetic improvement. A fresh coat of paint will make old equipment look new again. You might also want to add a specific color to match the branding of your company.

On top of this, coatings can protect equipment to help keep it in good condition. This may be in the form of corrosion resistance, heat resistance, UV protection, waterproofing, and more. There are various options available when it comes to the type of coatings you can use, and your choice will depend on the results you’re trying to achieve.

Grit Blasting and Painting Services

Grit blasting is one of the most efficient ways to smooth the surface of industrial equipment, removing paint, rust, and corrosion without damaging the equipment itself. It also helps prepare the surface for a new coating that will help protect the equipment and extend its lifespan.

Aeroblast Abrasive Blasting provides professional grit blasting and painting surfaces throughout Sydney. With over 20 years of experience, we’re prepared to take on any grit blasting project you need. Visit our services page today to learn more about what we can do for you.